Teknologi, ideer i bevægelse

Ravelli studerer mulighederne for innovation fra enhver tænkelig vinkel, indsamler stimuli, giver mulighed for diskussion, dialog og samarbejde mellem parterne, og fremsætter derfor  ideer og forslag til gennemførelse af projekter, der  udnytter de  nyeste  muligheder og teknologier .



Ravelli Lab skaber ideer gennem samarbejdsprojekter med ​​professionelle, universiteter og unge designere, fordi Ravelli mener, at innovation udgør en uundværlig mulighed for udvikling af virksomheden.


En funktionel og let tilgængelig askeskuffe opsamler al den forbrændte aske.

Cast Iron Heat Exchanger

An efficient temperature exchange process means a perfectly heated home. 
The exchangers accumulate heat, optimising the exchange with the environment and for long periods.


At beklæde en ovn med fajancens former og farver øger ovnens æstetiske udtryk og forbedrer samtidig varmefordelingen.

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Ved at sende forvarmet luft ned langs glasset sker der en fuldstændig forbrænding, som holder glasset rent selv efter mange timers forbrænding. Denne unikke forvarmning
af sekundær luft giver mere naturlig flamme.

Clear Combustion

In clean combustion we have two advantages: the closed combustion chamber which guarantees a high quality of the fumes, both inlet and outlet and the cleaning of the glass

Firex 600/700

Forbrændingskammeret i Ravellis produkter udføres med FIREX600/700, et materiale der udvindes ved forarbejdning af mineralet Vermiculite.

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Flow Meter


Ved hjælp af et GPRS modem er det muligt at tænde, slukke eller justere brænde- eller pilleovnen fra et hvilket som helst sted i verden ved blot at sende en kort besked fra mobiltelefonen.

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Hermetic System

Ravelli Hermetisk System: Forseglet forbrændingskammer giver mulighed for at luften kan tages udefra for at give et rent og sundt hjem.

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Varmevekslerne er fremstillet i rustfri stål, hvilket betyder større modstandsevne mod varme og slitage.

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K Probe

It detects the temperature of the flame in the combustion chamber and allows a more reliable and rapid control in the switching on, switching off and re-ignition hot automatic stages of the boiler.

Pellet Pilot

Directly linked to the work of the K Probe, Pellet Pilot is an innovative pellet feeding system based on the maximum and minimum output of the machine, to avoid waste and maintain.


Double Cleaning System of the Intelligent brazier, the machine performs an automatic two-stage self-cleaning
process. The first uses excess oxygen, while the second cleans the rear section.


RDS er Ravelli’s innovative system til automatisk regulering af forbrændingsparametrene, der sikrer maksimal effektivitet og sikkerhed fra din pilleovn.

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En praktisk og handy fjernbetjening tillader at ændre temperatur og effekt.


Dette eksklusive system til varmeflytningspilleovne sikrer en god fordeling af varmen i forskellige rum, så den ideelle temperatur opnås.

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Ravelli semicircular combustion - The new combustion chamber has been designed in a smaller semicircular shape and the water reaches the desired temperature sooner.


Den indbyggede luftfugter forbedrer luftkvaliteten i rum med lav luftfugtighed. Naturlige essenser og olier kan tilsættes fordampningskarret for at gøre luften mere behagelig og afslappende.

Smart Combustion

Closed combustion prevents the escape of fumes and increases efficiency

Smart Firepot

Self-cleaning precision casting brazier for better cleaning that maximizes energy efficiency.

Smart Wifi

Simple, immediate and completely customisable, the integrated WiFi enables you to create a heating schedule which you can manage anytime, anywhere.


Smart Wifi Included

Simple, immediate and completely customisable, the integrated WiFi enables you to create a heating schedule which you can manage anytime, anywhere.



The system that alerts you when the pellets are running low, enabling you to manage efficiently and without stress the reloading phase.

Total Kontrol

Total Kontrol is the combination between Ravelli Double Cleaning System and the K probe to generate a better efficiency and functionality.

Touch Remote

New remote control that using radio frequencies allows to control the stove and regulate its functions from another room, optimising accessibility and comfort.


The helix shape of the turbulators reduces the speed of the emissions released by the combustion process, increasing machine performance and keeping the exchanger clean.

Upside Down Flame

It is called inverted flame or reverse flame for the position of the combustion chamber, located below the compartment in which the wood is loaded.

Wet Flue Ways

Has been created to maximise the surfaces which come into contact with the water, optimising the heat produced through the combustion process and reducing heat loss and fuel waste.